Mommy Makeover Palo Alto, CA


Searching for a Way to Bring Back Your Pre-Pregnancy Body? A Mommy Makeover May Be the Best Option for You. Schedule a Private Consultation by Calling Jane Weston, MD at (650) 457-6291. Our Office Is Conveniently Located at 1047 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, CA 94025. Serving Menlo Park, Palo Alto, Atherton & the Entire San Francisco Bay Area.


Table of Contents:

What Is a Mommy Makeover?
What Is the Average Cost of a Mommy Makeover in Bay Area?
Am I a Good Candidate for a Mommy Makeover?
What Can I Expect During a Mommy Makeover Procedure?

Having children changes your life forever – and your body. While some women only have slight changes and are still content with their bodies, others may want to have liposuction, a breast lift, or breast augmentation to give them back the bodies they once had, or at least as close to it as possible. For mommies, Dr. Jane Weston, MD, serving Palo Alto, Menlo Park, Atherton, CA and the entire San Francisco Bay Area, offers a special surgical procedure known as a “mommy makeover.”

What Is a Mommy Makeover?

Pregnancy and breastfeeding can change the appearance of your body. Pregnancy stretches your stomach and breasts. Not to mention, you can gain weight all over your body. While many women just want a breast augmentation to compensate for lost fullness, others want more than one procedure, usually one for their breasts and another for their stomach. That’s why Dr. Weston offers a mommy makeover package that allows you to undergo more than one procedure during the same surgery.

Dr. Weston corrects flab and excess weight in your abdominal region using a tummy tuck or liposuction or possibly a combination of the two. She corrects saggy or lifeless breasts using a breast lift and/or augmentation. She may also provide you with vaginal rejuvenation to tighten your vagina. Another possible procedure is a Brazilian butt lift, which removes excess skin in your derriere.

What Is the Average Cost of a Mommy Makeover in Bay Area?

The cost of a Mommy Makeover depends on which procedures you are having done and the extent of them. You’re undergoing more than one procedure at a time, so keep in mind, you can expect the price to exceed $10,000. The average mommy makeover price is approximately $12,500, but this price varies from patient to patient.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Mommy Makeover?

To qualify for a mommy makeover, you need to be physically healthy overall. You should be at a stable weight. If you’re not and undergo the procedure, you may find you’re not satisfied with your results later on.

You should also have realistic expectations. Your body goes through a lot during pregnancy and child rearing, and it’s not possible to restore your body back to exactly how it was.

Since you’re having more than one procedure during a mommy makeover, you’re going to need to take two to three weeks to recover. If you can’t take that much time away from your job or have someone to help you around the house while you’re recovering, you may need to postpone the surgery.
Those who have a BMI of 30 or less and who don’t smoke experience the best results and recovery.

What Can I Expect During a Mommy Makeover Procedure?

In order to undergo your mommy makeover, you’ll need to have general anesthesia so you’re unconscious during the procedure. Once your surgery is complete, we move you to a separate room where we monitor you carefully as you come out of the anesthesia.

During your surgery, Dr. Weston may place a drainage tube to avoid fluid buildup in the incision site.

More than likely, you’ll need pain medication after your procedure. Based on how you feel, our Palo Alto surgeon will determine the best course of action for you.

You can more than likely return home the same day as your procedure, but you’ll need someone to drive you home. Before you return home, Dr. Weston will discuss when you can resume exercise and various other physical activities.

Feel beautiful once again after becoming a mom by booking a consultation with Dr. Weston, serving Palo Alto, Menlo Park, Atherton, CA and the entire San Francisco Bay Area. Schedule your appointment for a mommy makeover by contacting her at (650) 457-6291.